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Send a Smile to a Senior Citizen!

Now more than ever, our senior citizens need extra love and attention, since they can’t physically be with their loved ones.

We are partnering with local assisted living communities to bring smiles to their residents by participating in the national #AdoptAGrandparent campaign!

Our goal is to bring a little joy and encouragement to senior citizens living in assisted living communities.

We are choosing one facility at a time to ensure that every resident at that location will receive one sweet, joyful Balloon Buddy with an uplifting note. Once we fulfill that, we will select another location to receive the love. Please contact us to be added to the list. Our first community is Four Winds Lodge in Verona.  We need only 35 buddies to give every Lodge resident a little encouragement after months of being separated from their loved ones.
Will you join us in the #AdoptAGrandparent campaign? Send one (or more) and be part of a something good in our backyard.

Delivery: Once we have every resident “adopted” we will deliver all of the buddies at once to the assisted living community, they will then be distributed among residents by the staff.